Intro Market TU/e
Come and visit us at the TU/e intro market. Ask all your questions (maybe pick up some goodies) and find out what we do!
Come and visit us at the TU/e intro market. Ask all your questions (maybe pick up some goodies) and find out what we do!
Come and Design you own Beerglass during our Workshop! Design it and engrave it yourself. Afterwards enjoy a nice bevarage from your own designed beer glass. So don't hesitate and sign up in the TU/e Intro App!
Come and visit us at the TU/e intro market. Ask all your questions (maybe pick up some goodies) and find out what we do!
Join us on our day trip-exchange to Paris. We have arranged a bus for you, leaving on the early morning of Saturday and returning early Sunday-morning giving you enough time during the day to explore Paris and catch your sleep on the bus back. Only € 40 for after-intro participants, € 45 for existing members […]
Come help out respresent AEGEE-Eindhoven with handing out folders to new intro kids at the Limbopad!
Come and check us out at the the TU/e Campus Market, find out firsthand what AEGEE-Eindhoven is all about and sip some virgin sangria with us! And for existing members: Feel free to come help out represent AEGEE-Eindhoven and have some fun at the Campus Market.
Come around to our workshop 'A Taste of Europe', where you can taste foods from all around Europe while also learning about travelling all around the continent. For existing members: Feel free to help out with the workshop and meet new students!