European Events

Agora and European Planning Meeting

The Agora and European Planning Meeting are AEGEE’s biggest events. The Agora is the General Assembly of the association, held twice a year, in spring and in autumn, gathering 700-1000 students for five days. It is one of the most important events in AEGEE. Apart from being the venue where the board of directors of the organisation, the Comité Directeur (CD) are elected every spring, it is also a life-changing experience for the participants, the young Europeans who are gathering in one place to build the future of the organisation, together. The main discussions and decisions take place during the plenary meetings. The participants of the Agora also join workshops, prytania (to discuss changes to the statutes of the organisation), progress meetings about ongoing projects, and other programmes.

The European Planning Meeting (EPM) gathers together around 300 experienced AEGEE members in order to draft the Action Agenda for the upcoming year. Besides working on the preparation of AEGEE’s Action Agenda, participants take part in workshops, panel discussions and round table discussions related to the general topic chosen for the event.

Summer Universities

Summer Universities are events organised during the summer break. They have, contrary to the name, nothing to do with universities. It is a fun place to meet new people, enjoy the summer, and still learn some skills along the way. For more information visit this page.

New Year Events

A New Year Event is an event organised by an AEGEE local where every AEGEE member can apply for. The event takes place during New Years Eve and you will celebrate the countdown for the New Year over there. The events can be all over Europe, from the Russian cold to the nice temperature of the Spanish beaches.

Network Meetings

A Network Meeting is an event organised by a member of the Network Commission in co-operation with an AEGEE local. The event consists of discussions and training sessions about different topics connected to the work of AEGEE, and topics of interest for young Europeans. Every AEGEE member can join one of the up to 11 Network Meetings organised every six months all over Europe. A Network Meeting is the place where new AEGEE members can learn about youth work from experienced AEGEE members. It is also an ideal possibility for AEGEE members to discuss common problems and develop cooperation for organising future events. It is also a great opportunity to meet old friends from the association. The program of the Network Meeting is designed by one of the Network Commissioners. During a Network Meeting, several types of activities are conducted: workshops on e.g. project management, public relations, fundraising, presentation skills, NGOs, the European level of AEGEE, making movies, presentations of past and upcoming projects in the Network, discussions concerning current youth issues e.g. youth unemployment, students’ mobility, Higher and Non-Formal Education.